Web accessibility Policy
WAI Accessibility Rules
The Comité des usagers du CSSS de Laval web site respects the AAA level accessibility rules (WCAG 2.0) of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
This means that the pages on this Web site meet the following criteria:
- Net surfers are warned when a link opens in a different window.
- Net surfers are warned when a link displays a sub-menu, and they are given the option of selecting a displayed sub-menu directly with a link at the top of each page.
- Net surfers are given the option of skipping navigation to access content directly with a link at the top of each page.
- Data are always presented in the following order: tools, heading (logo), navigation, headlines, content, footer. This excludes images viewed in the image directory and flag pages.
- Net surfers are given three different style sheets for viewing the Web site: default, inverted colors and high contrast or black and white.
List of general keyboard shortcuts
- S: Go directly to content (skip navigation)
- M: Go directly to open menu (sub-menu)
- 1: Go to home page
- 3: Site map
- 0: Accessibility policy
Please note that keyboard shortcuts are not standardized by the Information Technology industry. They may vary depending on your exploitation system or Web browser.
With Microsoft operating systems: Alternative key (ALT) followed by the letter or the number, plus the «ENTER» key.
With Apple operating systems: Control key (CTRL) followed by the letter or the number.
Text size
Text size can be changed to make it easier to read what is displayed on the screen. This function is available on the Web site's toolbar. The text size you choose will be recorded by a cookie saved by your browser. This cookie will make it possible for your browser to reselect your preferred text size during future visits to the Web site.
HTML5 and CSS3 standards
This site was built using HTML5 language and its style sheets comply with the CSS3 standard.
You can check the Comité des usagers du CSSS de Laval web site's conformance anytime using the free validation tool provided by W3C