In-patients' Committees Presentation

This section is devote to the CSSS de Laval residences In-Patients’ Committees. As the Users’ Committee, the In-Patients’ Committees are to safeguard the rights of in-patients.

The committees must see to it that the dignity of in-patients is respected and hat their rights and freedoms are recognized. The committees are one of the key spokespersons for in-patients when dealing with an institution's authorities.

Please consult the following pages to learn more about the in-patients’ Committees.

Enforcement of user rights, service quality and client satisfaction are the cornerstones of the committees' actions. The committees must pay particular attention to the most vulnerable clienteles and work to promote improved living conditions for in-patients.

An in-patients' committee is composed of at least three members elected by the inpatients of the facility in conformity with the conditions set out.

Under section 212, AHSSS, the functions of the in-patients' committees are as follows:
To inform users of their rights and obligations.
To foster the improvement of the quality of the living conditions of users and assess the degree of satisfaction of users with regard to the services obtained from the institution

To defend the common rights and interests of users or, at the request of a user, his or her rights and interests as a user before the institution or any competent authority.


Download the document : Regulations operating rules of the In-patients' Commitees. It's the same document for each residence like : La Pinière, Fernand-Larocque, Ste-Dorothee, Idola St-Jean and Ste-Rose.


Source : Reference Framework for Exercising the Functions Assumed by Members of User’s Committees and In-Patients’ Committees, Direction des communications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, 2018.